OceanCores’ YouTube Channel
Can help answer questions and Demonstrate simple changes We can make at home Right Now!
Learn to shift the way things are done at home from a plastic single-use version to a non-plastic multi-use version!
Save time & money shopping!
Unravel the science behind our stuff so we can make positive ocean choices in any situation.
Introduce simple ways to change our interactions with Nature. Make her want us to visit!
Pollution Solutions!
A treasure trove of small and simple tips, tricks and swaps that COLLECTIVELY make a difference for our blue-planet! Pick ONE and start to un-plastic your personal footprint today!
Begin the journey towards Ocean protection today!
What we can all do everyday, for a healthy planet & body. Tips, tricks and product alternatives to help us live a more pollution-free lifestyle!
Continue the journey by bringing less plastic home when you shop! Our Ocean-Friendly Shopping Guide will help get you started.
A step-by-step method for re-framing, with an environmental twist, how we think about shopping for the products (made of plastic) we think we need.
Awareness Challenge:
Ask yourself, is the convenience of buying that plastic bottle of water or using that plastic straw, really worth picking plastic up off our beaches forever, or feeding it to our wildlife?
Science Drops
Here, you’ll find important science-based bits of information explained in non-scientist language! What we really need to know to understand what’s happening to our blue-planet. No frills, fluff or greenwashing.
Begin With An Important first step to reducing our pollution!
Demystify the materials our things are made out of!
Learn to recognize plastic and the aliases they go by
Find out where they’re hiding in our homes.
Next, get to know the wHOLE plastic story.
The important stuff to know about plastic that the industry doesn’t want you to know.
Then Cap It Off With the Ocean science bits we need to know to be sufficiently “Informed”.
Simple definitions of sustainability concepts & commonly used ocean terms
Ocean threats explained simply
The truth about recycling
And much more!
Everyone has the power to be an Ocean-Protector!
“You could start now, and spend another forty years learning about the sea without running out of new things to know.”
Peter Benchley